Don't stop at the "I love Paris" t-shirts or the European Union flag. There are European themed clothing beyond this.

At eurotype we design clothing and accessories that show values, facts, peculiarities and clichés of Europe and the European Union.

What is eurotype?

We are a clothing and accessories brand that revolves around Europe and the European Union. But is this for Eurogeeks? you will ask yourself. Definitely not.

Maybe you are Spanish, Italian or Portuguese. Maybe you have gone on Erasmus to Iceland, Portugal or Hungary. Maybe you live in Belgium, Serbia or Germany. Maybe you have friends in the UK, Greece or Slovenia. There are many types of Europeans and many ways of living Europe.

Although we are from different countries, we have tastes, experiences, anecdotes and even words that unite us. Of course, there are also many others that differentiate us.

eurotype shows values, data, peculiarities and clichés of Europe and the European Union.

eurotype (which would be "euro type") is for any type of person who feels a bond with Europe.


Karim Hallal Peche

Karim, one of the founders of eurotype, has the largest YouTube channel in Spanish specialized in dissemination about the European Union, Europe and other current European affairs. This audiovisual project, known as "El Viejo Continente", was born in April 2018 while Karim was doing his internship at the General Directorate of the Presidency of the European Parliament, in Brussels, where he worked on the issue of Brexit. This experience made Karim launch into explaining European issues in a simple, entertaining and fun way, setting the channel's objective of bringing the European Union closer to citizens.

Carmen Clemente Martín

The other half of eurotype is Carmen, a communication and European projects professional within the world of disability and NGOs. She landed more than 6 years ago in Brussels through the European Volunteer Service and since then she has worked in different areas of communication: social networks, graphic design and awareness campaigns, among others.

She enjoys dancing, traveling and, for a few months, studying psychology and now also working at eurotype.